Ichihayaku (いち早く - ASAP)

Sep 17, 2019 15:18

When describing you do something quickly before anyone else, you can use the Japanese expression 'ichihayaku' (いち早く).

People often think that 'Ichi' (いち) can be written in kanji as 一, which means "one," but actually it is written as 逸, which means "remarkable" or "extraordinary."

In addition, 'hayaku' (早く) means "fast" or "quick."

That is to say, 'ichihayaku' means "extraordinarily fast/quick" or "ASAP."

For example, you can say 'kare wa ichihayaku kitaku shita' (彼はいち早く帰宅した - "He went home before anyone else").


「いち」は "one" を意味する「一」であると思われがちですが、実際には "remarkable" や "extraordinary" を意味する「逸」です。

また、「早く」は "fast" や "quick" を意味します。

すなわち「いち早く」は、"extraordinarily fast/quick" や "ASAP" のような意味になります。

No. 1 vqdat169@gmail.com's correction
  • When describing you do something quickly before anyone else, you can use the Japanese expression 'ichihayaku' (いち早く).
  • When you want to describe that you do something quickly before anyone else, you can use the Japanese expression which is called 'ichihayaku' (いち早く).
  • People often think that 'Ichi' (いち) can be written in kanji as 一, which means "one," but actually it is written as 逸, which means "remarkable" or "extraordinary."
  • People often think that 'Ichi' (いち) is written in kanji as 一, which means "one", but actually it is written as 逸, which means "remarkable" or "extraordinary."
  • That is to say, 'ichihayaku' means "extraordinarily fast/quick" or "ASAP."
  • That is to say, 'ichihayaku' means "extraordinarily fast/quick".
     ASAP means for as soon as possible. it is usually use in different way ... I think so
Thank you for the correction! (^^)